Monday, February 4, 2013

Styroform Storage for a Desk Handler?

Okay so i got this idea and my images arn't al that great... :( but i hope you atleast slightly get the idea of it.
This pic there at the corner is what i'm going to tell about, and its just an idea!! because its soo easy to do :)

This is a cool method for you to actually use things you throw away. For example you know the styroform blocks that come in boxes when you buy a television or a gas cooker? blender? Those blocks are there to protect the machine or whatever you buy and secure it from any external damage. These can be used to take use of it for your own home! instead of throwing large blocks of styroform away!!

Its actually something like this..

All you need is :

1) Styroform block (Any Size, Design..) Like the one on the right hand side picture.


What to do :
1) Start with deciding where you want to use it, depending on its shape and design.. ;)

My one was a long one which i got in the box when i bought my LED TV :)

I got two of those, but my study desk badly wanted something to hold on my stationaries & i wanted to divide them all to catogories.. and this styroform block? It had like divisions.. so i catogorized my gum bottle, stapler and puncher into one...and then stick it notes, erasers and other small stuff you need in one...then envelopes and small important leaflets in one.. etc.

The basic idea is to organize & help you to store your stuff in an easier way. If you like and think that the styroform is pretty cheap looking? go ahead, and design it, color it and do anything you like to make it look gorgeous!! Won't be a waste trust me because it will awfully be useful to you ;)

Here's some of my images, (my desk is loaded up sorry, was in a hurry..and image isnt pretty feel free to save the image on your pc and zoom OR just click on the sure it will zoom and show all the images of the page blog post ;)

Hehehe Enjoy!! (:
With Love,

Kavi Sam.

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