Friday, August 17, 2012

Customize your PC Cover with Nail Polish!

How would you like to customize your laptop in a totally different unique way? This is how i did mine..

So to start off,
All you need is :

1) Nail Polish.. Make sure you get colors that can show on your lap cover.. Possibly bright colors..

2) Glitter glue.. (NOT glitter dust 'cz if you use those you got to use gum and its really annoying -,-) If you can try buying Glitter Glue thats same colors with the nail polish you're using, it gives better  effect.

3) A laptop? :P
4) Cute accessories like from a necklace or whatever. I got a heart, it was a pendant..
5) Multibond or something that really pastes if you got accessories.
6) Nail Polish Remover if anything goes wrong..
7) Paint Brush with two different sizes so it's easier to shade..

1) To start off make sure you know your design.. i thought of something like swirls which i'm best at. I Googled some ideas from the search tubes images section. And you don't have to do the exact same picture. Just get the idea so you know where to place the swirls and add some other cute easy stuff to that like hearts or stars..

2) Secondly, if you're not sure what to paint don't paint. Because after you paint it's going to be messy to take it off with Nail Polish Remover.. I didn't need to remove so i was safe. But you need to be creative even if it messes up there's always a way to make it look like something else.

So get your colors and starts drawing.. if you're an artist you can even draw people/things/buildings with details!

OH and make sure you leave some space around too.. its not nice to look at something which doesn't have space in it to breathe. Nail Polish dries fast so paint on it a little more times and shade it with the paint brush.

3) After you paint, get your Glitter Glues and just apply on the Nail Polish Design.. just squeeze it, but make sure after you put it you flatten the Glitter Glue otherwise it'll take hours to dry. Shade the Glitte Glue too so it would sparkle.

4) Mine had 'Acer' written on it, and i didn't want to cover the originality of it although i didn't like the name there.. so i got a Heart Pendant.. the Pendant actually has silver stones on it. So i pasted that with Multibond. Customize your laptop with any accessories you chose!

Be creative! Here's some other angled picture i got,

I've been using this laptop for around 8 months now, and the color hasn't faded away NOR has the paint been ripped off. So it's awesome! (: Try it!

Enjoy! xx

Kavi Sam.

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